Editorial Board


Mr. M. Vasanthagesan IRS


Dr. Jessy M D


Dr. Bindu Roy


Dr. Joby Joseph

Associate Editors

Dr. T. Gireesh
Dr. K. Rekha
Dr. C Narayanan
Mr. M.J. Reju
Ms. Phebe Joseph
Dr. K U Thomas
Ms. Latha N

Editorial Board Members

Dr. S Suryakumar
Mr. Joy Joseph
Dr. Debabrata Ray
Dr. Jayanta Sarkar
Mr. Aneesh P Nair

Panel of Advisors

Dr. Sawar Dhanania, Chairman, Rubber Board, India.
Dr. Abdul Aziz S A Kadir, IRRDB, Malaysia.
Prof. Anil K. Bhowmick, Indian Institute of Technology, India.
Dr. Chee Kheng Hoy, Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia, Malaysia.
Prof. Colin Barlow, Australian National University, Australia.
Dr. David W. Lawlor, Rothamsted International, U K.
Dr. Katrina Cornish, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Centre, Ohio, USA.
Mr. M.H. Omont, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, France.
Dr. Stuart Cook, Tan Abdul Razak Research Centre, U K.
Dr. R.K. Matthan, Polymer Consultancy Services (P) Ltd., India.