Morphological and anatomical observations were carried out on 100 randomly selected wild H. brasiliensis genotypes aged 24 months, belonging to the 1981 IRRDB Brazilian germplasm collection, established at the Rubber Research Institute of India. RRII 105 and GT 1 were used as checks. The characters studied were girth, bark thickness, number of latex vessel rows in the stone cell occupied zone, total number of latex vessel rows, density of latex vessels, diameter of latex vessels, thickness of latex vessel free zone, thickness of stone cell free zone, average distance between latex vessel rows, total cross sectional area of laticifers and test tap yield. For many of the characters the wild genotypes were inferior to the controls. There was however a wide range of variability for the characters studied. Among the wild genotypes Matto Grosso accessions showed superiority for most characters, with MT 999 being the most desirable. The high variability for vital anatomical characters related to yield can be used in crop improvement programmes.